Modular Type Elements, a workbook
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Lorena Howard-Sheridan
Candy, a Frog and a Comet
Caramelos, un Sapo y un Cometa
©Salted Caramel Books
Austin, TX, 2014
ISBN-10: 0692250530
ISBN-13: 978-0692250532
84 pages paperback
6.9 x 4.2 x 0.3 inches , 4 oz
Available in PDF format 
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$ 85.00 USD

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Introduction to typeface design and lettering through a modular approach

This one of a kind workbook contains a brief introduction to drawing letterforms in general—with a modular approach in particular. Together with illustrations, prompts and samples, it includes an acrylic stencil with geometric shapes and adhesive stickers to build characters from the outside in. Among other surprises, the set includes an assortment of paper printed with different grids. Composed with various digital technologies and mechanical and manual work, the design process involved hands-on experimentation, workshops, and a prior edition. For its assembly we used laser engraving and perforation along with photographic methods and relief printing that produce a contrast between—say—the sharpness of vector graphics and the tactile tension of wood printing. Consequently, each workbook is a bit different from the others. Yet its pages are not precious. This is an unfinished object, meant to be completed by its owner. Modular Type Elements is filled with ciphered messages and open endings. A collaborative work since its conception, you are cordially invited to share your samples on our Facebook page, or on the social network of your choice, under the hashtag #ModularTypeElements.

This book was included in the Society of Typographic Arts 2018 selection!

If you are interested about some of our approaches to teaching lettering, you might enjoy reading the VCFA Perpetual Beta post: “All reading aside. Or: a side of reading

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